Jesus washing the feet of his apostles
The most significant act of Jesus that we commemorate on Holy Thursday is the washing of the feet of the apostles by none other than their master, Jesus himself. This act is one of extreme humility that Jesus wants us to emulate in our own lives when he said, “If I, then, the Lord and Master, have washed your feet, you must you must wash each other's feet”(John13:14).

The decision of Pope Francis to say his
Holy Thursday Mass at a juvenile detention center in Rome and wash the feet of
the inmates there is a very bold but right move, which shows his humility. This
humility is the real
meaning of the Last Supper of Jesus. The Holy Father by his actions is leading his
clergy to serve their congregation with humility. He is leading us too to serve
those under our care with humility.
The question is how willing are we go
down to wash the feet of those less fortunate than us. It is not literally washing
their feet but going down to their level to be part of their sorrow and joy. On
Holy Thursday by washing the feet of his apostles, Jesus is calling us to put
aside our pride and be one with those who are poor and despised, to empathize
with their plight and share the little we have with those who don’t have any.
Humility should be our way of life not just on this Holy Thursday but
throughout our life.
Let us pray specially this Holy Thursday that God grant us the wisdom and courage to choose the right people as our elected representatives in the coming 13GE to serve the people with humility and simplicity.
Let us pray specially this Holy Thursday that God grant us the wisdom and courage to choose the right people as our elected representatives in the coming 13GE to serve the people with humility and simplicity.
Have a blessed Holy Thursday
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