Monday, October 21, 2013

Being rich in the eyes of God

Today’s Gospel is relevant to those who are fighting over their parent’s inheritance. Jesus in no uncertain terms has condemned those who fight for the possessions of this world. Unfortunately many, even those who claim to follow Jesus, fight with their siblings for the property of their parents.
“Take heed and beware of all covetousness; for a man' s life doth not consist in the abundance of things which he possesseth” – Jesus
Jesus says what is not important to search for richness in the eyes of men but richness of the soul in the eyes of God. Let’s reflect to see where we stand in this search of richness in our life. We may have abundance but how rich are we in the eyes of God? How willing are we to share what we have with those who don’t have any?

Luke 12:13-21
 Monday 21 October 2013

13 And one of the multitude said to him: Master, speak to my brother that he divide the inheritance with me.
14 But he said to him: Man, who hath appointed me judge, or divider, over you?
15 And he said to them: Take heed and beware of all covetousness; for a man' s life doth not consist in the abundance of things which he possesseth.
16 And he spoke a similitude to them, saying: The land of a certain rich man brought forth plenty of fruits.
17 And he thought within himself, saying: What shall I do, because I have no room where to bestow my fruits?
18 And he said: This will I do: I will pull down my barns, and will build greater; and into them will I gather all things that are grown to me, and my goods.
19 And I will say to my soul: Soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years take thy rest; eat, drink, make good cheer.
20 But God said to him: Thou fool, this night do they require thy soul of thee: and whose shall those things be which thou hast provided?
21 So is he that layeth up treasure for himself, and is not rich towards God.

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