Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Voters must reject abuse of power and corruption

It is very sad to note that nearly 5 million Malaysians have not registered to vote in the coming general election. More distressing is the fact that about 70% of these are youngsters (Herald, April 29).

It is encouraging that our bishops and the The Christian Federation of Malaysia (CFM) are taking a serious view of this situation and are going all out to encourage all Christians to register so that they can exercise their legitimate rights as citizens. As citizens who have a stake in this country let us not be complacent. Let us do our part to register ourselves and encourage as many as possible do so.

While encouraging all those eligible to register, it is also equally important to educate the public to vote wisely. The recent Ijok by-election has shown what voters should not do – succumb to corruption. It is indeed distressing to know that voters seem to approve the blatant abuse of power and corruption, a trend which if left unchecked is indeed sad for the future of our country.

It is very disturbing that a new culture of “get rich” quickly is gaining roots in our society whereby all forms of abuse of power and corruption are being accepted as norms as long as they bring monetary benefit to us. In this mad rush and enthusiasm to gain power and wealth, winning at all costs is the order of the day, election is no exception. Morals have no place in this race. We are increasingly becoming more loyal to the “Almighty Ringgit” rather than the real Almighty.

As Christians fighting this new culture is not an option but a religious obligation and we can only do that if we rid ourselves of the greed and unselfishness in us. Let our hearts be ruled by none other than the love of Christ alone.

Let us not be hoodwinked by the empty promises of any party but remain steadfast to our principles in deciding whom to cast our votes in the next general election. We must reject corruption in all its forms however great the benefits it may bring us.

Dr.Chris Anthony

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