Sunday, September 04, 2016

Mother Teresa decalred a Saint

 Mother Teresa - The Saint of the gutters

  It is fitting to salute and honor Mother Teresa with sainthood sainthood.However we must not forget that behind all these mammoth celebration and the grandiosity of her canonization, is a little frail woman of great simplicity,humility and great love and compassion for the poor and destitute.

Yes,Mother Teresa of Kolkata may be officially a saint now but she to her poorest of the poor, she was already their living saint of the gutters,the mother of the poor and destitute who lived with them and like them in the most impoverished state in the gutters and slums of Kolkata.She may have gone to help them but in the process became one of them.

Let's not allow her sainthood to alienate us from what she did and stood for in her life.She did not seek monetary gain nor did she seek glory and fame for what she did.All she wanted was to touch the hearts of the poor in whom she saw the face of Jesus. Mother Teresa was the symbol of love for the poor.

The least we can do is try to follow her footsteps in our own little ways,by showing a little concern,compassion and love for the less fortunate among us.As Mother Teresa said,we may not be able to do great things but surely we can do little things with great love.Mother Teresa saw God in the face of every poor she met.The question is whether we too see Him in those in need ?


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