Saturday, April 11, 2020

Easter 2020

Easter – New hope for a better future

With his resurrection on the 3rd day after an agonising death on the cross, Jesus conquered death. He brought us great joy and hope. Yes, Easter is all about hope for end of our long ordeal and a better future for all.

All of us in some form may be suffering from so much pain in our lives. Numerous problems come in many ways that at times we tend to give up and begin to suffer in silence and despair. At times even the staunchest believer tends to doubt the existence of God. However Christ’s resurrection gives us hope that if we continue to persevere with faith, patience and right attitude, our problems too can be overcome one day.

The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic has threatened everyone of us. It destroyed our way of life and put fear of infection and death. The very foundation on which our lives were based is being threatened by this virus. After 3 weeks of panic and fear we may be seeing some hope of overcoming the virus. It was not with our might and power but by our unity and helping one another, regardless of race, creed and status. These are the only weapons that can subdue the virus.
This is not the end but the beginning of a long journey ahead as a nation. The Covid-19 has exposed the many weaknesses in our system and our country. The people are now so divided as ever with the many differences among the races being highlighted daily in the way we think, speak and act. There seems to be very little hope that we are going to develop and progress as a nation with the present atmosphere. 

When our younger generation fail to interact and understand each other’s differences among us what chance is there for future unity? When our children are brought up to think and accept that some are superior to others, what chance is there for interethnic goodwill and respect? When we want everything for ourselves at the expense of others, how can there be mutual understanding and tolerance? When we refuse to accept one another as equal how can be natural justice? When we refuse to understand the plight of others how are we going to care for them? When the people are constantly reminded of their difference what hope is there for unity, peace and progress. The interethnic unity is slowly but surely dying.

We are indeed going through some critical and defining moments as revealed strangely by a virus. It has once again emphasized the importance of ethnic unity and goodwill. Unity of the people of various origin must be strengthened if we want to progress as a nation. We need a strong, unbiased and multi-ethnic political leadership with great wisdom to take the nation forwards. If the Covid-19 crisis does not teach us the need for genuine unity, mutual respect and goodwill, I wonder what ever will.

This Easter let us pray for hope and patience among the people. Let us pray that God enlighten the minds of the people and our leaders to think right, talk right and most importantly do right for the wellbeing of all Malaysians.

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