Saturday, April 26, 2014

A tribute to Aunty Adeline

The 40th day memorial for late aunty Adeline Loh  

We are gathered here tonight to pray for the repose of the soul of the late Mdm. Adelene Loh on the 40th day of her death. We are also here to celebrate the life of this wonderful woman whom we fondly called Aunty Adeline who passed away at the ripe old age of 91. I do not know her personally as she was already old when I came to know her a few years ago. But her calm and pleasant look struck me like many others who see her even for the very first time.
I understand that she had a very difficult time during her earlier days, struggling to bring up her six daughters. The untimely death of her husband in the mid-seventies left her all alone to care for all her children. I am sure in her arduous journey of over the 91 years on earth, she would have encountered numerous problems and challenges that would have given her extensive experience which she would have imparted to her children. The fact that her children have all become successful in their own ways speaks volumes for her care for them.
As we pay tribute to aunty Adeline we must not forget the members of her family that has sacrificed a great deal of their time, money and energy to care for her especially overt last few years when she was physically infirm and needed constant care and company. We pay special tribute to her daughter Josephine who sacrificed her own personal likes and conveniences and devoted much of her time to care for her ailing mother, a rare attribute these days. She was indeed a great daughter to an extremely old mother. I am aware she spent sleepless nights in agony when her mother fell ill.
We also salute her husband Bro.Augustine who was a very understanding husband and a caring son-in-law. In fact I was touched by his words after the mother-in-law recovered from a severe infection last year, “The longer she stays on the more I seem to love her like a mother”. We also salute their two children,Sharon and Rodney, who also took great pains in caring for their grandmother who spent a large part of her life with them. They are especially grateful to her for taking care of them since they were children.
On behalf of the TBC Community we register our utmost admiration and respect for Augustine and his family to whom many of us should look up for guidance in caring for our elderly parents.
As we bid the final farewell to our beloved aunty, let us adopt her good values into our lives and especially the caring and loving attitude of Augustine, Josephine and their children towards their sick old lady of 91 years. Let us offer them whatever help we can to encourage and support them during their bereavement and the years that follow.
We pray that God grant aunty Adeline eternal rest in His heavenly home in the midst of His angels and saints. We also pray that God bless her family that she has left behind with us.

May Aunty Adeline rest in peace

Thank you & God bless you  

For video tribute to Adeline please go to:

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